By continuing, you will be leaving the 加州海岸信用社 website. Please note that we are not responsible for the accuracy, security or content of other websites. We encourage you to review the privacy and security disclosures of all websites you visit. 加州海岸信用社 does not guarantee or assume liability for any third-party product, 或通过我们的网站获得的服务.
Protection that pays—if you find yourself in an unexpected financial situation, 加州海岸警卫队Plus debt protection will cancel or reduce repayment of your loan debt—lessening your worries about paying loans and other bills during a time when other things may take priority. 简单的资格要求使注册快速和容易. Unexpected events include disability, loss of life and involuntary unemployment.
保证资产保护(GAP) Plus2
如果你的车被偷了或者全毁了怎么办? Most times, your insurance company will only pay the current market value. Our GAP program is designed to protect against financial loss in the event your car is stolen or declared a total loss. GAP将支付你的贷款余额之间的差额, 你的汽车价值(最高115%的贷款价值比), 并将支付你的保险免赔额高达1美元,000, 即使你的车没有完全损失. As an added bonus, GAP will also pay you $1,000 toward your replacement vehicle.3
修理汽车的费用可能很贵. MRC可以帮助限制维修成本,保护你的财务状况. MRC is a high-quality comprehensive coverage plan that safeguards you from expensive auto repairs whether you're one or one hundred miles from home. 如果你不在城里的时候发生了故障, MRC includes a "trip interruption" service which will help you pay for a rental car, 餐, 住宿, 以及全天候的路边援助. There are no claim limits and you can transfer your policy if you sell or gift your car.
租赁还款: 每天最高35美元(最多5天), 10-day maximum for parts delay); available on the first day of a covered repair.
24小时紧急路边援助: up to $100 per occurrence; includes towing, 电池启动, 流体输送, 轮胎漏气辅助和锁定服务.
不用自掏腰包 (except for any deductible): the administrator pays the repair facility directly for the covered repair.
Our rewards Mastercard® is a great way to make your credit card work for you as you earn rewards with each purchase.
加州海岸警卫队Plus is a debt protection product offered by 加州海岸信用社. Enrollment in this debt protection product is voluntary and not required to obtain credit union auto loans. Please contact 加州海岸信用社 or request the Member Agreement for additional information on benefit maximums, 资格和限制.
适用于车龄不超过10年、行驶里程不超过12.5万英里的合格车辆. A vehicle is not eligible for GAP if it is used to transport passengers for compensation, including but not limited to vehicles used as taxicabs or for ride-sharing.
$1,000 will only be paid if insurance company does not pay loan balance in full, GAP索赔已提交, 汽车贷款是由加州海岸信用社提供的.
Mechanical Repair Coverage is provided and administered by Consumer Program Administrators, 公司. in all states except CA, where coverage is offered as insurance by Virginia Surety Company, 公司., in NH, where coverage is provided and administered by Consumer Program Administrators, 公司. dba消费者保修计划管理员, 在TX, where coverage is provided and administered by Consumer Program Administrators, 公司. dba消费者计划的管理员(TX许可证#175), 在佛罗里达州,好的, where coverage is provided and administered by Automotive Warranty 服务 of Florida, 公司. (佛罗里达州许可证#60023和俄克拉荷马州许可证#44198051), 在西澳, where coverage is provided by National Product Care Company and administered by Consumer Program Administrators, 公司.都位于西杰克逊大道175号.伊利诺伊州芝加哥60604,1-800-752-6265. 此保险由TruStage™提供给您. 覆盖范围因州而异. 更换部件可以是新的、用过的、非oem的或再制造的. 请务必阅读车辆服务合同或保险单, 这能解释具体的术语吗, 条件, 以及排除这种自愿产品.
*APR =年度百分比利率. 房价截止到2024年5月31日. 贷款须经信贷和抵押品审批. 利率, terms, and 条件 are subject to change and may vary based on creditworthiness. 其他费率和条款. 有一些限制. 会籍及信用须经批准. 为每一个在圣地亚哥生活或工作的人服务, 河畔, 帝国, 橙色, 洛杉矶, 文图拉, 和圣贝纳迪诺县. 一次性5美元的会员费和储蓄账户是必需的. 限制. CCCU不认可或鼓励产品或服务. CCCU urges you to do your own due diligence on the vendor and its product/service. 须经信贷及抵押品审批. Advertised rate is our lowest Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and is effective 05/31/2024 and includes a discount for using the Cal Coast Auto Buying Service Powered by TrueCar at or 新 Cars 公司, our personalized concierge auto buying service (或NCI). 房价如有变动,恕不另行通知. 汽车贷款利率与计算器相同.网站.com/NCI折扣目前低至4.28%的年利率,取决于信用记录,贷款期限和车辆型号年. 同样低的税率适用于2022年及以后的车型. 29个月的贷款,4.28%的固定年利率,每月支付36美元.每借1000美元37美元. 如果你用计算器.网站.com/NCI, the discounted offer is good for purchases; rate discount subject to change or end without notice. To qualify for discount offer you must use the Cal Coast Auto Buying Service at or 新 Cars 公司 and either fund the purchase of a vehicle from the certified dealer listed on your Price Quote Certificate (Cal Coast TrueCar 储蓄 Certificate) or purchase a vehicle from 新 Cars 公司. 并向加州海岸信用社提供购买资金. The Cal Coast TrueCar 储蓄 Certificate must be generated prior to purchase and no more than 90 days prior to your loan being funded. 您的贷款最初将在没有利率折扣的情况下设立. 在您的贷款协议签署后,您的车辆购买完成, we will confirm that you qualify for the discount and apply the discount to your loan as of the effective date of the loan. 全年车型的折扣为0.50% off the approved interest rate for loan terms up to 5 ½ years (66 months). 全年车型的折扣为0.贷款期限为六十七个月或以上者,可获核准利率优惠25%. Discounted rates are available for purchases and not valid for refinances and lease buyouts. 折扣不能与任何其他折扣计划或类型合并使用. Please allow ten to fifteen business days after funding for processing your purchase and loan discount.