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Let us help you make 你的 home ownership goals a reality! Get ready for low mortgage rates and a seamless home loan experience.
You can call (877) 495-1600 to get started.
8 Tips For 首次置业者s
1. Create a List of Must-Haves, Nice-to-Haves, and Deal Breakers
Start by listing each room you'd like 你的 home to have. 然后,写出你对每个房间的特点以及整个物业的要求. 交易破坏者和必备物品可以很容易地过滤掉那些不适合的房子, while nice-to-haves can help you decide between final contenders.
2. Map Out the Full Picture of Your Budget
It's not as simple as saving up for a down payment. 除了挂牌价,评估买房的隐性成本也很重要. 这些成本很快就会累积起来, so it's crucial to budget for: closing costs, 验房费, 房产税, 房产保险, 维护, 搬家费用. 大多数抵押贷款机构还要求现金储备,以便在你的收入因任何原因停止时用于支付住房费用.
确定预算最简单的方法之一是让信贷员带你通过数字. 他们可以回答你可能遇到的任何问题,并根据你的目标与你一起制定计划, 收入, 费用, 和债务. If you’d like a personal consultation with a Cal Coast Loan Officer, you can call 877-495-1600 or send an email to RealEstateLoanOfficer@e-1wan.com.
3. Don't Rack Up Debt Once You're Pre-Approved
在开始找房子之前,最好先拿到一份按揭预批准信. 这与确定预算密切相关,因为预先批准会让你知道确切的预算, maximum loan amount a lender can offer you. It will also signify to a seller that you should be taken seriously. 在竞争激烈的市场中,如果买方没有得到预先批准,大多数卖方甚至不会考虑报价.
You'll want to think about 你的 future plans. Is the neighborhood likely to increase in value over time? What will 你的 commute look like? Websites like Zillow can help you scope out potential neighborhoods. You can get insights on schools, 犯罪率, 公共交通, 通过性和, 当然, 房价. 你可以试试Cal Coast的 Home Rewards搜索引擎 to compare homes in Southern California.
5. 选择合适的房地产经纪人
买房子通常需要进行大量的谈判,而且细节可能会很棘手. 房地产经纪人可以帮助你获得最好的条件,避免昂贵的最后期限. 当你面对一份长达10页的法律协议时,你会很高兴有一位经验丰富的专业人士站在你这边. 但是要小心! As with any industry there are plenty of subpar real estate agents.
Many agents (even some of the good ones!)要求你签署一份合同,将你锁定为与他们合作,并且只能与他们合作. 在签订任何合同之前,查看中介的在线评论,并密切关注他们是否关心你找到合适的房子, 或者随便一个家.
你可以通过加州海岸的家庭奖励计划与当地代理商联系. Click the link directly below and select ENROLL NOW. Once you’ve found a home you like, 您将创建一个帐户(耗时30秒),并与受信任的代理配对.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to 提交 an Initial Offer, or Multiple Offers at Once
在房地产世界中航行可能是可怕的,而且有很多误导性的信息. 通常, 新购房者被告知,在提交初始报价之前,他们需要100%承诺购买. 虽然这可能对卖家有利,但对首次购房者来说可能不是最好的建议. In a competitive housing market, 你应该准备好提交多个报价,然后才被卖家选中进行销售过程.
This is when things get serious. Once a seller accepts 你的 initial offer, 你需要支付一笔保证金——也被称为“诚信保证金”——才能继续前进. 通常, 你只有几天的时间来存入保证金,通常是房屋总价的1-3%. If you choose not to pay the earnest money deposit, you can walk away from the deal without losing any money. 如果成交,这笔定金将作为你的首付款.
7. Do Your Due Diligence Before Paying For a Home Inspection
Before closing the deal on a new home, 你绝对应该得到一个专业的家庭检查,从一个高度评价和信誉良好的公司. But home inspections can be expensive, 你可以通过一些调查工作来节省时间和金钱. 此外,还有一些你应该考虑的因素是房屋检查不包括的. Here’s a few things to check for:
An uneven foundation, or large cracks in the driveway or garage
Gas lines (if you like cooking on a gas stove)
School district (if you have or plan to have kids)
房源代理希望给他们的客户最好的机会以最高的价格出售他们的房子, which can lead to issues getting swept under the rug. 你的工作是把相关因素暴露出来,这样你就可以做出明智的决定. You don’t want any surprises as a new homeowner.
8. Think Outside the Box - Consider Short Sales and Foreclosures
While this option isn’t for everyone, 这些房屋通常有非常积极的卖家,而且可能比市场上的其他房产更便宜. 问题? Hunting down these opportunities may take some extra work. Also, be prepared for a longer than usual sale process.
1. Rebate is awarded by Home Rewards Group, Inc. 在Home Rewards网络中选择并使用房地产代理的买家和卖家. Rebate is 20% for purchase only of a residential property. Payment is credited to 你的 benefit at the close of transaction. 使用加州海岸信用合作社抵押贷款并不是获得回扣的必要条件. Purchase price must be greater than $150,000. 所有返利均受限制、贷方指导方针、州法律和其他要求的约束. Certain properties may not be eligible for rebates. 请向合格的税务专业人士咨询有关收到退税的税务影响. Home Rewards Group, Inc. is not affiliated with 加州海岸信用社. Subject to change without notice.